Thursday 8 October 2015


Is it not absolutely wonderful, how some people manage to stick with you, despite of your callousness, your momentary and utterly irrational behaviour? I guess those are the diamonds which truly enrich your heart and life experience.
Life is a dynamic process. It’s all about exploding, exploring, and becoming. Here’s an explanation of these three categories;
Exploding- Breaking out from the circle of repetition, hurdles, and stereotypes, to thereafter explore new horizons.
Exploring- To truly open eyes to a world full of new opportunities and possibilities, leaving behind the baggage of chronic pessimism.
Becoming- Now, that’s the word I love! Becoming is all about incorporating those discovered solutions and thereby, step by step, evolving into a much better self.

But, to carry out this process called life, it’s important to not let the hope die. And, to keep ourselves from deviating, we need the diamonds; kind hearts. So, take this as an opportunity to thank the ones you’re blessed with.

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