In this day and age, where availing information is becoming unbelievably cheaper, acquiring attention of your intended audience is becoming painfully difficult. Deepening internet penetration is motivating young minds to turn their ideas into actions, by participating in the start-up trend. As a result, you have so many people aiming for the same thing, and that is certainly not a thing to look down about, because we do know how client acquisition through presentation of impressible design, is important not just for the company name to float amongst the retail giants, but also for it to substantially grow.
But, how to
get onto the stage of social media, in a way that everybody is aroused with
great interest to hear your idea? Surely, not everybody is going to drop by
your website just like that. For, as blogger, I do understand that to bring
traffic to your blog, you need to either mention that in your work profile and
be circulating that quite often (which perhaps, you actually won’t do if you
aren't actively looking for a job) or you can tweet or post your latest blog-link
and promote each deliberate buzz, organically or otherwise. Yeah, you do know what I mean by otherwise,
don’t you?
So, when I
was interviewed for my first internship, I was asked one simple question “Do
you understand Social Media and its functionality?” I hopped with excitement
and smilingly answered “Yes, of course” and the question which was shot next
was “No, I'm not asking whether you are there on social media, I'm asking
whether you do know, for example the pitfalls and how to avoid them?” and I was
like “Okay, yeah a bit” and somehow strangely they picked me up for my honesty.
But, to make
you understand my interviewer’s point, let me put it this way, that not so
strangely, promoting your personal blog and promoting your company’s blog or
your company’s client’s blog, happen to be three entirely different things. Sadly,
a lot of people end-up getting injured by their own social ball throw, for it
sometimes bounces back. And, thereby such people lose out the opportunity to
actually handshake with people, who could fetch them not just great
possibilities of growth and wider recognition, but also the actual good
opportunities for wholesome growth in their respective sectors.
So, I
gradually allowed myself to learn, through experimentation and experience, how
to be cautious of such accidental possibilities and instead, have a better grip. And for
this, I just kept notice of a few things, in
particular, especially while addressing people, with the content that I had, at
social media like-
jump-in without a schemed-out strategy: Social media is an interesting place to
kick-off your gig, but you mustn't forget that just like you shouldn't hop-in a
corporate party with your pyjamas on, you shouldn't launch your business idea,
without having figured out a workable strategy. Because, otherwise, you’d be
“doing” social media but your overall efforts would be disjointed and lacking the
required direction and focus.
consistent, or don’t be there at all: A lot of
businesses get-onto Social media networks, quite enthusiastically, but, like
air balloons they pop-out of existence too soon. Consistency is very important;
you can’t just slide off at the back stage whenever you feel like. Social media
is a powerful tool, which must be employed only to speedily promote your big idea,
only when you are ready to regularly put in a consistent amount of researched
data and observation. People rarely achieve desired success at their first
attempt, but after every failure, they actually have double the chances of
success, because there’s so much to learn and work-upon. So, don’t go there
just for the namesake, go there if you wish to stay and change the game.
Do engage
with your followers: There are endless options today for people to
navigate to and get informed or entertained, believe me. So, frankly, you just
can’t afford to not engage with your followers. Not engaging with followers. And,
to do that, social media should not be a ‘one-way street’. To actually be
successful and to actually build a following that does matters, you would
actually have to be social, actively social. So, assert, that you are
concerned, by asking questions and also answering the ones you smartly can. This would help people understand and accept
your existence.
skip-out tracking analytics and KPIs: If your goal is higher and bigger, then you
need to strategize accordingly. You need to be concerned about details, yes,
you need to study and observe the analytics to better curate your policy. And,
for that you need to treat Social media same as your other marketing activities
and properly measure it. For, it isn't at all wise to assume, that by simply keeping track of the number of fans or
followers is an apt enough indication of successful growth. As, Social media
channels have matured to the point where there is an increasingly high level of
analytics behind them. So, it’s always advised to keep a close eye on your
social media analytics, such as Facebook Insights, LinkedIn Page Statistics and
Pinterest analytics.
So, work
hard, because nothing at all is easy, but work smart, because nothing at all is
impossible. And,
do keep in consideration these probable Social-ball bounce back angles, or else
you might just get badly hurt.
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